Grand opening ceremony of peace stupa at Austra

It is with great joy and a profound sense of accomplishment that we gathered here to celebrate the successful Opening Ceremony of the Peace Stupa in the beautiful city of Graffenworth, Vienna, Austria. On this memorable day, June 4, 2023, we are privileged to witness a moment that will forever be etched in our hearts and minds.
We are honored to have His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang, a beacon of loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom presiding over this auspicious occasion. With his divine presence, His Holiness consecrated and blessed the Peace Stupa on this Full-moon day, enveloping it in a sacred aura of serenity and spirituality. Besides, the gathering of esteemed guests and devoted individuals added a sense of unity and shared purpose to this blessed event.
Today, we would like to express our deep appreciation and gratitude to Mr. Mag. Alfred Riedl, Major of Grafenworth, for his long-standing, tireless help and support. Without his assistance, this Peace Stupa would not have come to fruition.
Special thanks to our Most Ven. Bob John Sunim (Tenzin Tharchin) and Ms. Elisabeth Lindmyer whose unwavering dedication and tireless efforts have brought the Peace Stupa into existence. Their day and night commitment, sincere efforts, diligence, forbearance and unshakable devotion have culminated in the manifestation of this blissful symbol of peace.
As we stand before this magnificent Peace Stupa, let us envision its impact on our lives and the world around us. May this sacred monument become a catalyst for loving-kindness, compassion, forgiveness, freedom and wisdom to flourish within the hearts of all sentient beings. Let its presence radiate peace, happiness and harmony, bringing stability to our surroundings, ensuring timely rains and seasons and alleviating famines and diseases that afflict both people and animals. May its grace extend to the lands, yielding abundance of grains and wealth. May it also shine with the luminosity of the full moon, symbolizing unity and enlightenment throughout the universe.
We acknowledge that the noble activities surrounding this Peace Stupa serve a higher purpose. May all the wishes and aspirations of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas be fulfilled through the compassionate endeavors and selfless service dedicated to its cause. May this beacon of tranquility inspire all who encounter it to embark on their own paths of awakening, self-discovery and compassion.
On this momentous occasion, let us remember that the true essence of the Peace Stupa lies within each and every one of us. It calls upon us to embrace loving-kindness, compassion and understanding not only within the confines of this sacred space but also in our interactions with the world. May we continue the Buddha’s teachings and blessings bestowed upon this Peace Stupa within us. Together we spread its message far and wide; towards fostering harmony and building deeper sense of inner peace.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have played a vital role in making this Opening Ceremony a resounding success. Your presence, commitment and support have made this day a truly transformative experience.
May the Peace Stupa stand as a timeless testament to our shared aspirations for a harmonious world, inspiring generations to come. Last but not least, may the blessings of the Peace Stupa be with all of you.
Thank you.
Text copy from Dharmatara Buddhist Center