Samtenling was first opened in 1992 as a retreat center. Soon after His Holiness Drikung Kyabgön Chetsang realized the need of building a nunnery as increasing numbers of nuns were fleeing from Tibet. The first nuns arrived at Jangchubling Monastery from Tibet in October1996. They moved to the present nunnery site by spring 1997. From July 1998 they began a common kitchen as they had been cooking in their own rooms and more nuns had joined by then.
A Chakrasamvara Temple was built in 1991, and is presently used as a common prayer room, also open for the public. In addition a Main Temple, classrooms, living quarters and a kitchen was built through the generous aid of sponsors, and His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche officially inaugurated the new buildings on 28th of February 2001. The main temple is used for daily prayers and special prayers on holy days.