Tibetan new year greeting!!

Losar La Tashi Delek,
In the New Year of the Water Tiger, warmest greetings to all dearest Tibetan people in Tibet as well as those in exile. At the same time, I fervently pray for the longevity of all the spiritual leaders of Tibetan Buddhism headed by His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama.
In addition, I pray that the ongoing Ukraine crisis be swiftly resolved, and that all the major and minor conflicts, including sicknesses on earth, be overcome soon. May the glory of peace, happiness and joy increase throughout the world.
Happy Losar!
在这水虎年的新年,我向所有在西藏地域以及在外流亡的藏族同胞们致以最真诚的问候。 同时,我衷心祝愿以尊贵的第十四世达赖喇嘛为首的所有藏传佛教领袖和上師们,健康长寿。 此外,我虔诚的祈愿乌克兰危机尽快结束和全世界所有大小冲突和疾病尽早平抚。但愿和平的阳光洒满全球,让幸福的绿洲布满大地!