It is stated in the Buddha Dharma that life in the human form is very precious and rare. Therefore, in this precious life one must gain knowledge about good and bad deeds, thereby minimizing bad deeds and encouraging virtuous actions.
In order to achieve this knowledge one must get acquainted by learning with the path of truth and equanimity.
- Whoever is interested to join the Shedra (college) must possess his own Chögo (upper robes) and Dingwa (mat meant for monks).
- Only after passing the entrance examination, monks can join the Shedra. Those student who have already fair knowledge of subjects can join the College at 3rd year level after passing entrance examination, based on the subject contents of the College’s 1st and 2nd year.
- If an applicant is non-ordained, he has to receive ordination with keen aspiration from a Vinaya Master.
- Entrance examinations must be conducted within a week after each summer vacation. If someone fails to appear at this entrance test, but has reached two months before the annual year examination, then he has to appear for the annual year examination, which is in lieu of the entrance test. In that case the concerned student does not have to appear for the entrance examination of the new session.
- Rules and regulations of the Institute must be respected and followed intently.
- Monks who are seeking admission from Drikung Kagyu Institute Jangchubling Monastery are required to present a certificate of having completed all the eight levels of the Primary and Secondary studies.
Monks from other monasteries should bear a letter of introduction and no due letter from the head of their concerned monastery. If the concerned applicant doesn’t have the above documents for admission, then the administration will study the cases and consider the actual situation accordingly. - Applicants from Drikung Kagyu Samtenling Nunnery are not required to appear for entrance examination but they have to present the character certificate and must be in the age group of 15 to 25.
Once admitted, a monk should diligently perform any duties assigned by the monastery’s administration and Gekko (disciplinarian).